Episode 112: A Proxy Doxy

It's time for chapters 6-7 of Judy Blume's 1987 YA novel, "Just as Long as We're Together"! WARNING: Jody and Alison are running at sub-optimal performance levels, but they do it with pizzazz. Stephanie and Rachel check out Alison's house and hear a wild story from Maizie, the French-language dog. Then Bruce has a sweaty nightmare and Steph pens a nuclear disarmament appeal to Ronald Reagan over donuts. Your hosts chat vintage Water-Piks, in-home intercoms, Genesis' Land of Confusion, teachers pets, and the upcoming SUMMER SISTERS MINISERIES! A special thank you to our new Patron, Laura Ingles, and congratulations to Blume Head Becky on her recent nuptials!

Alison Michael