Episode 116: Claudia Kishi Coven
Special guest Beth joins Jody in the virtual cocoon to discuss chapters 18-20 of Judy Blume's 1987 YA novel, "Just as Long as We're Together." Steph, Rachel, and Alison dress like raver witches to impress Jeremy Dragon and we learn that JEREMY KNOWS RACHEL'S NAME! Rachel has been keeping a dark secret (hint: she's in advanced math), but Steph finds out and is not pleased. Jody provides the scoop (get it?) on TCBY and Westport's very own Onion Alley, and Beth shares her spatchcocking technique. There's also some hilarious impromptu diary reading, dramatic reenactments, and middle school memories. Thank you to Blume Head Sue for her letter about 7th grade frenemies!