Episode 48: Gon-Gon Be Gone

Can you believe it?! Jody, Alison, and special guest Cathy finish "Wifey," Judy Blume's outrageous sexy adult novel published in 1978! Sandy tells Norm she has The Clap, he goes ballistic, she spends the night in the attic with a Snoopy sleeping bag, and we finally learn more about Brenda Partington Yvlenski via the Tufts Box Letters. Oh, and the Motorbator makes one last appearance. Alison talks about the time she got beat by a pop-up tent in Hawaii, Jody writes a diaphragm jingle, and Cathy drops some knowledge on noodle pudding. Tune in for some great '70s commercials, girl talk, and the finest faux Jersey accents this side of the Mississippi. Lastly, congratulations to this week's Blume Head of the Week, Sandy Shelly!

Alison Michael